Daily Archives: August 6, 2012

Unreasonably Discouraged

Discouragement: I lost .5% in the first week while the leader lost 3%… THREE PERCENT!?!?!
Unreasonable because… it’s the first week and the leader is a BOY. Ugh. Slow and steady wins the race. My new mantra.

Unfortunately, I was really, REALLY bad today. I ate entirely too many helpings of pasta and convinced myself the ridiculously large salad and a peach I ate made up for it. All it ended up meaning was I ate too damned much food. And I had too much soda… not enough water… not enough exercise. What else can I do to totally ruin today? Hmmm… many more days of this and I’ll be posting my “before” picture as punishment. Cry myself to sleep, here I come!

Alright, this stops right now. My weird sadness trigger inside my chest HAS to stop driving my stomach, otherwise, I might forcefully try to crash my stomach into a telephone pole. The weekend brought with it a few ups and downs – but mostly ups! I got a hot date with the Grizzly Bear for some burgers and a book store run while Nurse Milly had a pajama party with the ankle biters. That was quite possibly the best part of the weekend. Followed in close second by, wait for it – the Spider Monkey decided to potty train herself. WHA?!?! All of a sudden, she decided she wanted to pee in the potty. When I tried to put a new diaper on her after she peed, she screamed in typical Spider Monkey fashion “No new butt!”. So, we put her in some training pants purchases for the Peanut that were way too small. Then, she got to pick out her very own panties on Friday… a nice assortment of princesses, also known as “Ell”, “Wella”, “Tiana” and “Awol”. She’s so stinkin’ cute when she’s not being combative and inconsolable.

Open house down and the kids head to school in 2 days… I’m exhausted. And I still need to work out. Maybe I’ll do some pilates in the office while the Griz is podcasting. I bet he could make some pretty good jokes on his show, at the very least!

Nothing groundbreaking today, my friends. But tomorrow, I will persevere.

Beginning right now.

3% here I come!


P.S. In just two days, I’ll celebrate 30 days from Facebook. Should I go back? Decisions, decisions…


Posted by on August 6, 2012 in Uncategorized