Category Archives: Uncategorized

Coming Along Nicely

So my new site is coming together! If you haven’t checked it out, I’m moving slowly to I’ve acquired a Twitter handle – @mypenwritesred. In my world, that’s a big, scary step into the unknown. But, I’m excited to get myself into a routine with this blog and I’m learning as much as I can about being PR friendly, Media Kits and boundaries. I’ll be testing some advertisements with a friend’s business card to start… ooh, maybe I’ll have a bulletin board type of feel instead!?! Huh… possibilities are endless.

Thanks for keeping up! And please, let me know what you think of the site – if you have any insight to flow, readability, or just something you’d like to see from me (whether it be a story, a question or a product review), don’t hesitate to comment or email!

Welcome to my adventure – by all means, hang on!


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Posted by on September 22, 2012 in Uncategorized


My Adventure, My Rules

Right? That’s the Mom’s Right, to make the rules? You know what I like best? The part where I get to break the rules! I know, I know… that’s horrible parenting talking, but guess what… neener ,neener, neener.

Can you tell I’m feeling a little better? The Moon is in the 7th House of… but seriously.

So, some news here and there, that I hope you’ll be excited for! But first – DECOMPRESSION!

These past few weeks, I’ve spiraled into another one of my unexplainable yet totally explainable cycles of sadness and frustration. From PMS to not taking my anti-anxiety medicine to bitterness over changes in planning, it’s all just piled atop my thin yet pudgy shoulders and I’ve not handled well… or gracefully. I’ve yelled a lot at both the Grizzly Bear and the kids, I’ve eaten a lot of ice cream in bed (I KNOW, we’re back to THAT??), and I’ve totally withdrawn… totally.

But, after one of the best adult discussions I’ve ever had with my great big ol’ grizzly bear of a husband, I’ve got some renewed faith in both our situation, myself and our little world.

I’ve jumped right back into my Work Weight Loss Challenge, I’ve got renewed drive at work and… ready for the big news?

I’ve got my own website!!! Thank you, thank you… yes, I’m excited.

Sadly, I chose to change the name. HOWEVER, mybrokenhallelujah will remain a section of the overall site, at least for a time. I’m not selling anything, though I am exploring the PR friendly aspect, and I will be using it as a BzzAgent for product reviews. Of course, there will still be my often hilarious, mostly inappropriate, ranting and raving about totally low-level importance stuff – like traffic. The guts are still being fleshed out, but I’m excited to detail some of the fun things I do in life to make my monotonous existence more interesting – like Annual Color Week (which may change to Semi-Annual Color Week!) and the newly added Bake Week! Plus, the addition of college to my 30-something mom with a full-time job is bound to add some interesting conversations to my worldview.

So for now, I’ll continue to update here at, but I’ll also be updating and cleaning and organizing the new site – Are ready for it?

Doesn’t that sound so cool?!?!? Sure, it’s not poetic… well, maybe it is.
But think about it. When you’re a kid, your teacher marks all of your mistakes with red. Psychologically, red is an agitated color. Red means stop. Red means hot. Red is… passion, love, fire, anger, wrong and right. Maybe I’m reading too far into red. Also, I really like red. It’s my second favorite color.

So, check me out. I’m on Twitter now too, which totally scares the poop out of me (@mypenwritesred) and I’m not at all sure what I’m doing there or what I’m saying, but hey, I’m used to embarrassing myself.

I hope you’ll continue to join me on my adventure. Feel free to yell at me, email me, call me a sellout… as long as you say it with love, we’re good. 🙂

Much love,

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Posted by on September 18, 2012 in Uncategorized


Poop and Perfume

Life moves on and things get left behind… people get left behind. Some things have happened in the last couple of weeks that have made me hibernate a bit. I embarrassed myself with some family drama, got my hopes up too soon (probably several times) and made a decision to begin a new adventure (more coming on that soon).

I’ve tried to keep this blog relatively anonymous and tend to refer to my family like a zoo. Our 3-year-old was born 6 weeks early at 4lbs n’ some odd ounces. But she was all arms and legs – therefore, she became my little Spider Monkey. She loves to climb, especially people, and is as daring as Evil Knievel in a dress. Our 4 ½ year old was born right on time, if not surrounded by a bit of drama, but still tiny at 5lbs 14oz. He was this little peanut of a guy, so easy and quiet… thus – Peanut. He loves anything with wheels and can make an exact replica of Optimus Prime with 15 Legos, all primary colors, in less than 45 seconds while making transforming noises… amazingly awesome transforming noises. And finally, the Grizzly Bear and I have been married for 8 years this coming February. He has been one hairy mo’ fo’ since I met him… my very own, personalized bear skin rug. Now, some ladies might find this a major turn off, but this man can grow one damn-sexy beard in 16 hours… and THAT, well… there are no words.

I love my little zoo. We get along pretty well most of the time and complement each other’s moods the rest of the time. We’re just an average family looking to both provide the best for our children while making the best of the world around us. A lot of the time, this means that we hide… A LOT. When things get dramatic, we tend to just hunker down and hide from the world. For me, any little conflict can send me into hiding. I take things entirely too personal. I’m working on it… among other things.

Today is the day I should be updating you on my progress in the Biggest Loser Challenge at work. Sadly, I’ve gained another 2 pounds. That’s how bad this week has been… I ate so much yesterday, that I didn’t even eat dinner because I was still full from a noon lunch! Oh, don’t worry; I didn’t go to bed without the nightly frozen fruit pop. Duh.

There’s something going on in my head. My brain isn’t shutting off and I’m constantly trying to do one thing right after another. It’s hard to concentrate; it’s hard to sit down for too long, it’s hard to stand up for too long… I’m always in some sort of mild ache or pain and I’m simply exhausted. Oh, and I started drinking soda again.

I’m right back to square one and thoroughly pissing myself off.

So where does poop and perfume come in? I’m glad you asked. Have you ever walked into a bathroom and smelled someone’s extremely strong perfume? Have you ever tried to keep from inhaling that perfume, only being able to hold your breath so long, until you ended up with a huge whiff? Have you ever taken that huge whiff out of extreme need for oxygen, only to smell that underlying scent of human excrement?

Yeah. That’s how I feel right now. Like perfume scented poop. Strange experience, I know. But the feeling’s there nonetheless.

So what do I do about it?
Eat mass quantities of comfort food.

How’s that working with my weight loss challenge?
Like gangbusters… [insert sarcasm here] obviously.

Hopefully, I’ll get back into a groove this weekend. Hopefully, I’ll blog a little more in the very near (and exciting) future. Hopefully, I haven’t completely lost you.

And hopefully, I can pull on my big girl panties and quit whining about fake problems. Fake. Ass. Problems.

Happy Friday and all that happy horse sh…
Much love, friends.

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Posted by on September 14, 2012 in Uncategorized


Missing: Motivation & Umph

I’m missing something that I just can’t put my finger on. It’s been a bit of an emotional week for me and I’m sure I’ll just have to chalk it all up to PMS (and a minor fall into the drama pit). I can feel myself being pulled back into bad habits – way too much tater tot casserole, sodas abound, snooze 30 minutes after I should be in the shower…

So I’m going to unplug… at least for a few days. This weekend, I want to figure a few things out:

  1. What do I want to do with this blog;
  2. How am I going to manage it;
  3. Why can’t I stay on track with it all (including a weight loss competition that will net me 200+ fat ones???); and
  4. How can I strike THAT balance (you know the one: life).

True to Friday form, here’s me at a glance in Week 7:

Thankfully, I didn’t gain any weight this week (surprising, really), and I even managed to lose an inch on my waist and hips – I guess those touch-your-toes are working.

I’m a little concerned about this lack of motivation because there’s a lot coming up. I mean, what if I start feeling this way 2 weeks into my first semester of school? I can’t just give up… I’m finding it hard to balance some personal expectations with perceived expectations. I think I might need a white board with “What Grizzly Bear Expects of Me”, “What I Expect of Me” and “What the World Expects of Me”. Except that last one, the only expectation listed would be “Who Cares”… that would be a motivational poster, eh?

Thank you to my faithful readers who have visited daily to see if I’m ranting or whining about something new today. You truly make me feel successful! Very soon, I’ll have something for you to sink your teeth into… once I upgrade this Lame Train ticket to an Awesome Aero package.


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Posted by on September 7, 2012 in Uncategorized



I’m pretty much lame today. A cold on the Friday of a 3 day weekend? Seriously? Could your timing be any worse, mister cold bug? Psh…

Here’s me at a glance in Week 5:

For a total of 15.5 inches lost and [DAMN IT: I gained this week] 4 pounds gone! How the hell do you lose 1.5 inches and still gain? Muscle, yeah yeah… whatever. There ain’t no muscle growin’ here, honey.

Alright, it’s time to ramp this up a bit. This cold I’m fighting may put a damper on my weekend activity, but NOT my eating. I’m going to strive to eat even better in the coming weeks, really focusing on my portion control. I’m also on the hunt for an inexpensive treadmill (if you know a guy…). Let’s face it, I’m not going to go walking outside at home for two reasons:

a) I’d have to take the kids and all they want to do is go to the park or stop every time they see an ant (cute, but doesn’t really get me any sort of work out); and

b) It’s just too hot [insert whiny voice with stomping feet and clenching fists].

Now, not only do I not feel well, I’m pissed off too… grr.

I’m printing my last post because, frankly, I forgot that I already put down what I was going to do to get in gear… so take THAT stupid cold-brain. Now YOU can’t forget… neener neener.

I think I’ll put on my I-don’t-feel-good-pouty face and sleep the rest of the day away.


Oh, and now I owe three bucks. Double crap.


Posted by on August 31, 2012 in Uncategorized


A Couple a’ Random Posts in ONE

UPDATE: Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?

Happy Birthday, Spider Monkey!
On this day just three short years ago, I was waking up in a mild panic at 2:30am with the thought that a) a gunshot just went off in my stomach and b) I may have just peed the bed. Neither of which were true, as my overfull stomach left little room for the little baby spider monkey and she was ready to deploy the hatch!

The Grizzly Bear was right in the middle of a late night raid, meaning he had not even been to bed yet. I calmly walked into the computer room to advise him of our impending arrival, but told him to take his time – I needed to shower and shave my legs. Yup. I did that.

6 weeks early and with not enough sleep, we rushed to the hospital for what would be a single push delivery and a tiny bundle of joy. At 4lbs 14 oz, our little Spider Monkey was all arms and legs.

Today, she’s a barrel of laughs, a handful and a half and almost the same size as her big brother. So beat that preemie label! Happy birthday, baby girl!

I See A Change A Comin’
Now, I know I promised you a product review, even if it annoys the hell out of you. But before I finish typing it and post it on the world-wide web, I thought I’d get your take on something.

I’ve talked a little about wanting to try my hand at a “professional” site. Not that I want to be a full-time blogger, although that would be AWE-some, but I’d just like to have fun, share some stuff and maybe make a couple extra bucks or get a few free things to play with – but mostly, I like to share. Because, as Jack Johnson sings it, It’s always more fun to share with everyone…

As I’ve thought more and more about this prospect, I’ve mulled the idea of changing the name of my blog. One – because ‘mybrokenhallelujah dot com’ is taken. Two – because I don’t necessarily want to be defined by the religious slant the name suggests, even if I do want to talk about my journey in faith from time to time. And Three – because it’s been suggested…

So, I’ve got a couple of thoughts, but because I adore you and think you are ultra-smart and equally creative, I thought I’d open up the idea bank! I’m sure I can work up an opening-day giveaway for the best blog name, just to make the deal sweeter! J I considered using my old blog title – mypenwritesred. But I don’t really remember what it meant. Oops. I also thought I’d go with an ode to my beloved John Cusack with ‘shegavemeapen’, but the Grizzly Bear didn’t get it (hint: In ‘Say Anything’, outcast and goob Lloyd Dobbler (John Cusack) professes his love to valedictorian and overachiever Diane Court (Ione Skye). Out of fear, and several other emotions I don’t feel like processing, she goes with her father’s advice and hands him a pen, saying “Write me”. He speaks into his handheld tape recorder in a tape-letter to a friend, “I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen”.) Also, I love John Cusack… he’s my dream boat.

Alright, tell me. What do you think about a name change? Do you still want to read me if I sell out? Do you want to go head-to-head and help me name this bad boy (girl)? Help me out, friends; I don’t want to have to stoop to begging.

As always, thanks for staying tuned… even when I’m boring, random or just plain ‘off’.

Much love,

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Posted by on August 28, 2012 in Uncategorized


A Lighter Note

Yesterday was pretty heavy. It was just a heavy day, a day I needed to contemplate some things inside of me. Today, I feel lighter. J Pun intended. I’m looking forward to our little family birthday party with the parents for the Spider Monkey – she turns 3 on Monday! We have a little family rule – birthdays before 5 years are simple, Grandma n’ Papaw types of gatherings. So we do a little barbecue, have some cake and a generally nice, quiet time. Come March, the Peanut will have his very first birthday party with other kids… I think I should start planning (and preparing myself mentally/emotionally) now.

So, I know you’re dying to know. In fact, you’ve probably already read ahead to the stats… it’s okay, I get it. This IS exciting! J And I’m excited that you’re excited about my exciting adventure!

Here’s me at a glance in Week 5:

For a total loss of 14” and 6.5 pounds, in just 5 weeks! I stuck to my physical goals this week with bathroom work outs and played a lot (A LOT) of airplane with the Spider Monkey. If you’re looking for something that will get you sweating with your kids (and if they’re still on the smaller side), toss ‘em up on your feet (YOU KNOW Airplane!). Hold their hands and slowly move them forward, like a backwards crunch. Then I did a forward crunch while the Spider Monkey counted me off and giggled hysterically. She sort of hangs dead weight and makes these weird noises… it’s fun. By the way, I don’t know the technical terms, all I know is “backwards crunch” works the lower abs (using your legs) and the “forward crunch” works the upper abs. If you know the right words, share – otherwise, I’ll just call ‘em Airplane Ab Roles!

UPDATE: I was a little disappointed in the little weight loss, but I can see some toning and firming in places, so I’m going to chalk it up to two things:

  1. Muscle building (very, very little muscle-building)
  2. Comfort food (it was a lady-needs-tater-tot-casserole kind of week… know what I mean?)

BUT, I’m gonna change that this week! I want to go for 3 pounds lost by next Friday, so here is what I plan to do to change and re-commit to a few things.

  1. No more soda. I’ve violated this rule 3 times this week and blamed it on headaches. I’ll look into new and different ways to get caffeine with my Tylenol/Aleve blend.
  2. Back to small plates and kid bowls. Not only have I eaten some serious comfort food, but I’ve also had extra helpings and not-so-great portion sizes. So, I’m going to eat only on small plates and make sure my vegetables outnumber my meats.
  3. MORE WATER. I’m doing pretty well with this one, but I can definitely feel the days I don’t drink ‘enough’. Plus, my skin is looking GREAT and I’d like to keep it that way!
  4. Shut down everything, close the books and be in bed by 9:30. I pushed this out a little, but if I go much past 9:30, I’m toast (headaches and all).
  5. Activity. More activity. I plan to:
    1. Stick with parking in the back of the parking lot but ‘go the long way’ around. It’ll add about a block to my walk, first thing in the morning, when my body hurts the most.
    2. Keep up with the bathroom exercises both during the day AND during kid’s bath time.
    3. Stretch before bed. Period. No time limits – just until I feel good.
    4. Airplane Ab Rolls every day.
  6. Most importantly – laugh more, be slow to anger, and yell less.

I think that’ll get me to a good place, both mentally and physically. And finally:

Things I am grateful for: rain.
And love.

Have a peaceful weekend, friends!


Posted by on August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized


The History of a Name

My broken hallelujah… a name chosen out of desperation and beauty. When I started this blog in March 2010, I was seeking a closer relationship with God, a better understanding of the faith I had chosen to follow and a life virtually free of worry.

What I got was a religious roller coaster that I didn’t really understand and still only partially get.

Going back a couple of years before…

Before starting this blog, I was working for the church that the Grizzly Bear and I had begun to attend together while we were dating. Coming to this church was a weird transition for me because I was still legally married to someone else (go ahead, say it, I know – lecherous whore, right?). We didn’t start our relationship off in the best manner, we made some mistakes, and I still feel guilty, get off my back! Phew… okay. So he had attended this church for the better part of his teenage years and into his young adulthood. This was a part of his family. And here I was, a “baby Christian” with no real guidance and a heap of guilt on my shoulders. I mean, not only did I leave my husband for another man; we were living in sin – gasp – the horror! I knew the moment I walked through that door, the entire congregation could see it, like I was in my underwear with a lit and blinking red A on my forehead. With much gratitude, I was accepted into his circle of friends with great love and everything just seemed to fall right into place.

We went through a pre-marital class, eloped in the middle of it, made things “right” and life just sort of moved. I began working as the Office Administrator (I wouldn’t let them call me the Church Secretary… but that’s what I was) in April 2006. I loved it. The office was small and quiet; I had lots of things to keep me creative while still remaining productive. It was, without a doubt, my dream job. I’d still love that job – run the office, assist a small staff in scheduling their time, plan/host events large and small, plan retreats and trips. Seriously. Dream job.

But then this weird transition happened after we had the Peanut (note: I got to take him to work with me for the first 6 months of his life. Dream. Job.). I was constantly wondering just how these people lived such a glorious life and what it meant to truly “live in the glory” or “pray without ceasing”… Then one day, the Grizzly Bear and his closest friends decided they were looking for something different, less ‘in the Glory’ and more ‘on the ground’. Okay, it wasn’t just “Oh, today I’ll change my mind”; it was a process. The boys kind of banded together to explore other churches and ended up in the Acts 29 Network. I liked their traditional philosophies, but we just didn’t fit that mold, so I had a really hard time connecting with the message completely. Plus, I like to hide, especially when things get hard. I can make any excuse to get out of doing something or to do something else instead. I left the dream job so that we could all go to church together…

And ever since, we have been on this wide and bumpy road… scratch that. We have been on two very separate, very wide, never intersecting and often mountainous roads with little light, no road signs and a dead GPS. Yup. That about sums it up.

No matter what was going on, I ended up making excuses or ‘volunteering’ just to get out of the service. It never failed to convict me… and if it didn’t convict me, I was judging the speaker or the audience. But mostly, I was a convicted, judgmental, miserable mess of a person.

Part of the purpose of this blog was to explore, to learn about this faith called Christianity and to figure out truly what I believe. My first step was to ask myself, very simply, do you believe that Jesus died because God so loved the world? Yes… can I give my friends who want to argue with me or convert me to another faith or lack of faith any tangible proof? No. I can give you philosophical proof on the ‘God so loved the world’ part, but Jesus’ death – that’s just something we’ve each gotta work out within ourselves.

And that’s where it ended. I don’t like calling myself a Christian because it just makes me think of those people picketing soldiers’ funerals, parents who try to ‘fix’ their gay kids and people who empathize with a situation by saying “I’ll pray for you” instead of praying for you right then and there. So here’s where I’m at:

I believe that God loves you and me, regardless of whether you or I have said the sinner’s prayer or ‘accepted Christ’ or done the best in our lives. He loves us. Period. As a parent, I’m realizing that you can love your kids, but ultimately, there’s a point where you can only tell them so much before they have to learn something on their own. I mean, how many times do I have to tell Spider Monkey that the oven is hot? It wasn’t until she defied me and stuck her finger on the inside of a 350° stove that she realized “Oh, mom was right, that IS hot”. Now, when I open the oven, she stands a decent 5 feet away. And that’s how I can relate to God’s love. Even though it just doesn’t scratch the surface.

So what’s the purpose of today’s post?

“A praise to God spoken in a halting or fragmentary manner, as under emotional strain.”

I guess I wanted to delve a little into the name of my blog and even try to work out some new feelings in my heart n’ head. I chose the name because it spoke to me; I found it remarkably beautiful and profound. Broken hallelujah. A ‘Thank You God’ through tears of frustration, a ‘Praise the Lord’ through gritted teeth of anger, or a ‘Jesus’ whispered quietly when words just can’t come. If you’ve ever heard Jeff Buckley’s rendition of the song, take a moment… it’s haunting, beautiful, sensual, breathtaking. And it speaks to the loving, broken and flawed me.

How do I close this thing up (‘cause I could go on all day long…)?

“Letter to Non-Believers” , by Shane Claiborne, co-founder of The Simple Way. A friend shared the link on Facebook and I read straight through… twice. I haven’t done a whole lot of research on this organization, but this letter – wow. A foundation built on Jesus’ life – not what Leviticus says about tattoos, not what that one line says about drunkenness and not what [insert scripture here] is supposedly saying about [insert hot topic political agenda here]. Jesus. Who He hung out with. What He did. How He LOVED. The whole article was everything I’m feeling all rolled up into this awesome little read. Check it out.

Until I figure out where I stand on some issues and get my butt in gear to teach myself some other stuff, I’ll just stand on this one thing: LOVE. Just love each other, friends. It’s okay to be quiet if you have nothing to say. And it’s okay to say something even when it feels weird or embarrassing.

Here, I’ll start: Even if I don’t know you personally, have never met you face to face, or don’t agree with anything you believe, I care about your life and what happens in your life. And you’re pretty… or handsome. No, no. You’re beautiful. There… that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Much love,


Posted by on August 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


Tuesday in the Tanks

I woke up sometime around midnight with a headache. I woke up at 4:30 with the same headache. I’m fasting for a blood test at 9:30 am and still have a headache. As soon as the vampire lets go of my arm, I’m downing a coke with a Tylenol and Advil (my own version of an Excedrin Migraine…). And I don’t care how that soda made me feel this weekend after a successful week without – my skin can suffer for a couple of hours if my head finds relief. At least with bloat, I can think straight and walk clearly. Or is that walk straight and think clearly?

To top off a headache (I refuse to classify it as a migraine just yet), my entire body is one big ball of ache. When I get up from my chair, I feel like my hips will grind out of place or my ankles will break or my arches will give out. When I go to grip my water (2 3 glasses so far – woot!) I feel my grip slipping. It’s bizarre… I may have to take some more drastic measures in my diet soon to see what I can do to alleviate this constant ache.

I also just visited WebMD.

I could have a viral infection, lupus or fibromyalgia. The latter I’m actually considering discussing with my doctor. We’ve already ruled out arthritis, but even with my high tolerance to pain, I’d like to hold a pot without dropping it or carry big loads (like kids) without getting weak… and headaches tend to be frequent. There was a time that I had a headache every day, but at some point, they get manageable. Until, of course, they become a migraine. Today, I’ve got to figure out a way to NOT let this one become a migraine.

Ooh. Pretzels. I’ll be back.

That worked – mostly. The lunch shortly after helped even more… so a combination of Nectarine, Coke, 500mg Tylenol, 200mg Ibuprofen, Pretzels, Iced Green Tea and 3 cups of lightly salted steamed carrots n’ zucchini is apparently my migraine cure. I’ll tag this post for future reference.

Alright, so this weekend, I will be celebrating the Spider Monkey’s 3rd Birthday with the Grizzly Bear, Nurse Milly & Popsicle, The Little Ant (hopefully… oh, Little Ant is Grizz’s baby sister) and my Momma & Daddy. No, they don’t get nicknames because you can’t get better than Momma & Daddy… especially coming out of the mouth fingertips of a 32 year old woman. You’d think I’d have a Southern accent… I so wish I had a Southern accent. Back to my point. We’ll be celebrating a big day of survival for our little Spider Monkey (and us) so the Grizz and I are seeking THE Perfect Gift. Since I’d like to try my hand at some product reviews and such, I think you may hear, in great detail, all about the Perfect Gift… would that be annoying? Are you excited? I really want to tell people about actual stuff… not just whine. You know, balance the whine with the cheese… I’m giggling right now. I am so clever.

Next on the Blog To Do list – move into the little-less-anonymous realm. First, I need to get some great photos taken. I’m so glad I know a beautiful family who takes amazing photos. Next stop: Find the time to make that happen! And a few extra bucks too. I’m having fun, are you?

Okay, finally on my Tuesday report: The Biggest Loser challenge. I told you yesterday that I have moved up three spots to 5th Place of 12 contestants. If I didn’t get it across yesterday, I’ll shout it from the roof tops : I AM SO FREAKIN’ STOKED ABOUT THIS! So far this week, I’ve done my bathroom exercises, I’ve stretched at night (not much, but some) and a little in the morning. I’ve also diligently parked my car in the farthest spot from my entry door, which is not the front of the building. And as a treat today, because I wanted something sweet, I went for an apple with honey instead of a giant cookie. Tonight, I will have earned my second day comfort food – tater tot casserole. YUM!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. This leads me to:

Today, I am grateful for:

  1. A fanbase, even if it is small and comprised mostly of my friends that helped me quit my FB obsession. You are several rays added to my sunshine.
  2. My international readers, because that makes me global, and, as a true blooded it’s-all-about-me-American, I think that is (and you are) the raddest ever!
  3. Food in my belly, shelter over my noggin’ and always a place to call home.
  4. Kid cuddles, giggles and ABC songs.
  5. Opportunity… endless and always revolving opportunity.

Live long and prosper,


Posted by on August 21, 2012 in Uncategorized


Just Another Manic Monday

Quick. Name the artist? Aww, come on. Seriously?

Today, I am grateful for:

  1. A job.
  2. A job at a place I like.
  3. A job at a place I like with people who are pretty cool.
  4. A job at a place I like with people who are pretty cool and feed me.
  5. The Grizzly Bear.

It’s another tired Monday. I got into work late and that just kills the rest of my day. Then, one of the blogs I check frequently was kicked back as “Possibly Inappropriate for Work”… huh. It’s a parenting blog. With crappy pictures. Probably because it has the word ‘crappy’ a lot.

I got the updates today of the Biggest Loser challenge, and are you ready for it? I moved up three spots to number 5 baby! Slow and steady wins the race, Mr. Hare. You should have seen his face when I said that to him… it was fun.

Unfortunately, I celebrated my bump with a giant cookie and I don’t feel so good. It was a big freakin’ cookie. I planned to eat half and save the other, but for about an hour I pulled pieces here and there… until the whole 5” in diameter chocolate chip heaven was gone. Unfortunately, I’d now like to go throw up. And that was 6 hours ago!

Luckily, the Grizzly Bear had some real comfort food on the menu tonight – Tater Tot casserole.

Anyway. This post is lame.

I’m exhausted.

And I have to be in at 6am to let in a vampire… seriously, blood sucker and all.

Profound thought of the day – if you’re grumpy, feed yourself.

Much love,

P.S. I’d like to promise tomorrow will be better, but we’re never promised tomorrow, so that’s impossible. Now THAT’S profound. Sleep tight.


Posted by on August 20, 2012 in Uncategorized