A Lighter Note

24 Aug

Yesterday was pretty heavy. It was just a heavy day, a day I needed to contemplate some things inside of me. Today, I feel lighter. J Pun intended. I’m looking forward to our little family birthday party with the parents for the Spider Monkey – she turns 3 on Monday! We have a little family rule – birthdays before 5 years are simple, Grandma n’ Papaw types of gatherings. So we do a little barbecue, have some cake and a generally nice, quiet time. Come March, the Peanut will have his very first birthday party with other kids… I think I should start planning (and preparing myself mentally/emotionally) now.

So, I know you’re dying to know. In fact, you’ve probably already read ahead to the stats… it’s okay, I get it. This IS exciting! J And I’m excited that you’re excited about my exciting adventure!

Here’s me at a glance in Week 5:

For a total loss of 14” and 6.5 pounds, in just 5 weeks! I stuck to my physical goals this week with bathroom work outs and played a lot (A LOT) of airplane with the Spider Monkey. If you’re looking for something that will get you sweating with your kids (and if they’re still on the smaller side), toss ‘em up on your feet (YOU KNOW Airplane!). Hold their hands and slowly move them forward, like a backwards crunch. Then I did a forward crunch while the Spider Monkey counted me off and giggled hysterically. She sort of hangs dead weight and makes these weird noises… it’s fun. By the way, I don’t know the technical terms, all I know is “backwards crunch” works the lower abs (using your legs) and the “forward crunch” works the upper abs. If you know the right words, share – otherwise, I’ll just call ‘em Airplane Ab Roles!

UPDATE: I was a little disappointed in the little weight loss, but I can see some toning and firming in places, so I’m going to chalk it up to two things:

  1. Muscle building (very, very little muscle-building)
  2. Comfort food (it was a lady-needs-tater-tot-casserole kind of week… know what I mean?)

BUT, I’m gonna change that this week! I want to go for 3 pounds lost by next Friday, so here is what I plan to do to change and re-commit to a few things.

  1. No more soda. I’ve violated this rule 3 times this week and blamed it on headaches. I’ll look into new and different ways to get caffeine with my Tylenol/Aleve blend.
  2. Back to small plates and kid bowls. Not only have I eaten some serious comfort food, but I’ve also had extra helpings and not-so-great portion sizes. So, I’m going to eat only on small plates and make sure my vegetables outnumber my meats.
  3. MORE WATER. I’m doing pretty well with this one, but I can definitely feel the days I don’t drink ‘enough’. Plus, my skin is looking GREAT and I’d like to keep it that way!
  4. Shut down everything, close the books and be in bed by 9:30. I pushed this out a little, but if I go much past 9:30, I’m toast (headaches and all).
  5. Activity. More activity. I plan to:
    1. Stick with parking in the back of the parking lot but ‘go the long way’ around. It’ll add about a block to my walk, first thing in the morning, when my body hurts the most.
    2. Keep up with the bathroom exercises both during the day AND during kid’s bath time.
    3. Stretch before bed. Period. No time limits – just until I feel good.
    4. Airplane Ab Rolls every day.
  6. Most importantly – laugh more, be slow to anger, and yell less.

I think that’ll get me to a good place, both mentally and physically. And finally:

Things I am grateful for: rain.
And love.

Have a peaceful weekend, friends!


Posted by on August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized


2 responses to “A Lighter Note

  1. Patrick

    August 27, 2012 at 10:28 am

    I hope that you’ve taken some before pictures, if only to keep in a vault so that you can look at them in private and be proud of yourself. In my opinion you’re doing AWESOME!

    • mybrokenhallelujah

      August 28, 2012 at 10:37 am

      I have. And when I get down or eat a lot of bad stuff, I threaten myself. I actually looked at them this weekend and saw a difference (finally) in the way I look at myself in the mirror. So that was a good motivator. 🙂 Thanks Patrick – I really appreciate the support!


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